Tips & Stories
Jefferson Street Oasis: 3 Sheds for a Community Garden Program
See how the Jefferson Street Oasis in Springfield, OH is using 3 of our sheds to make a tremendous impact in their community.
A Hangout Shed for a Backyard Vacation Spot
In this customer story we share how Doug and Tamara created a beautiful vacation spot right on their property with a hangout shed from one of our buildings.
Kitschen Bakery and a Farm Stand Shed
In this customer story, you can find out how sweet rolls, shoofly pies, organic farming, and a shed are all connected. This is the story of Kitschen Bakery.
Custom Sheds vs. Shed Kits
This article pits custom sheds and shed kits against each other so that we can determine which is the best option. We will use 9 criteria to determine the winner. These will be materials, price, durability, set-up, mobility, space, protection, maintenance, and customizability.
Shed Interior Ideas
Whether you have recently purchased a shed or have been a proud owner for a while, we are always seeing more cool shed interior ideas for organization and decoration.
The Home Farm
Our manufacturing facility is in the heart of farm country five miles southwest of Plain City. We are located on our old home farm. Read more of the farm story here.
Window Shopping
“I went window shopping today! I bought four windows.” -Tommy Cooper
Let’s talk about the window options for your storage shed. Window shopping is fun!
Deciding What Size Shed You Need
One of the most important decisions in purchasing a building is deciding on the size. There are many things to consider, and so we will discuss a few of the most important ones.